Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is it Worth it? Big and Small Projects Raise the Question

ח Chet She girdeth her loins with strength,
and strengtheneth her arms.
Proverbs 31:17
After a week of working (or should I say fighting) with the cleaning of a 6' x 8' closet, the question of "Is it Worth it?' arrived. At every turn something stalled the project.
  1. First, just emptying the closet was huge. I could not believe the amount of "stuff" I had stored in it. Of course it is spread all over my upstairs bedrooms needing sorted.
  2. Second, I thought I had the color paint I wanted. Then when the sample was put on the wall, I realized it was not right.
  3. Third, I am getting ready for my Mother's 83rd birthday party with relatives coming from out of town. I thought I had plenty of time to do the closet and the cleaning for the party....was I wrong!
  4. Fourth, I have my grandson (2 1/2 year old) over Saturday night.
It is times like these that I realize how important our physical and mental energy is. I am pressing on. My husband reminded me I always feel this way 1/2 through a project.
Now to finishing that closet!!!

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