Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is it Worth it? Big and Small Projects Raise the Question

ח Chet She girdeth her loins with strength,
and strengtheneth her arms.
Proverbs 31:17
After a week of working (or should I say fighting) with the cleaning of a 6' x 8' closet, the question of "Is it Worth it?' arrived. At every turn something stalled the project.
  1. First, just emptying the closet was huge. I could not believe the amount of "stuff" I had stored in it. Of course it is spread all over my upstairs bedrooms needing sorted.
  2. Second, I thought I had the color paint I wanted. Then when the sample was put on the wall, I realized it was not right.
  3. Third, I am getting ready for my Mother's 83rd birthday party with relatives coming from out of town. I thought I had plenty of time to do the closet and the cleaning for the party....was I wrong!
  4. Fourth, I have my grandson (2 1/2 year old) over Saturday night.
It is times like these that I realize how important our physical and mental energy is. I am pressing on. My husband reminded me I always feel this way 1/2 through a project.
Now to finishing that closet!!!

Monday, June 08, 2009

ז Zayin She considereth a field, and buyeth it:
with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
Proverbs 31:16
The videos I have posted about my Sustainable Garden that compliments my Sustainable Life show my Strawberry Patch, Blueberry Patch, The Orchard and veggies. I thought you might want to take a peak. Here is the link

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

In Search of the Sustainable Life

א Aleph Who can find a virtuous woman?
for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10

Who can find a Sustainable Life? That is the question. A Sustainable Life has busy times and it has quiet times. It really is the meaning of life. It contains time for all things. My research has shown that there are seven dimensions, sections or areas of our lives that make up the Sustainable Life. The verses add meaning to those seven areas.

I look at those seven areas like a piano chord. If you play them all at once, they only make a loud noise. When you play only two or three together at one time and then another two or three at a time music starts to develop.

It is easy in this world of 24/7 to play all the notes of the chord at once and only get noise. To play music their has to be silence in some areas of our lives, sometimes silence in all areas of our lives. I believe this is the "key" to bring music to our lives out of discord.

Here's to the Search of the Sustainable Life!

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