Proverbs 31 is an alphabetical poem. Women have read and sung it for millenniums. It is time to put a modern melody to the song. Proverbs 31:10-31
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
One Yearly Cycle Ends and Another Yearly Cycle Begins
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Winding Down of the Garden
with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
Proverbs 31:16
Monday, August 17, 2009
An Economic Survival Sustainability Plan for a Crisis
She is not afraid of the snow for her household:
for all her household are clothed with scarlet. Proverbs 31: 21
This morning I was thinking about Joseph’s plan to survive the famine in Egypt. A modern application would be to have a survival plan or a sustainability plan for the current recession/depression or retirement or the years of agedness. Genesis 41:34 says the plan was for everyone to save a fifth part” or 20% of the yearly harvest (income) for the future famine (recession/depression/retirement/aged years). The government enacted the program for the people. Today our government has enacted a plan to handle this crisis. Yet, it would be wise to implement Joseph's program for our own home.
Now the question is how this 20% should be divided up looking towards the time of famine. The answer might be found in Genesis 47:13-21. This is how the people of Egypt handled the famine. First the people used cash to pay for food. Next they used portable wealth or long term investments such as horses/flocks/cattle, which today would be either selling or borrowing against our long term investments such as cars, furniture, collectibles, etc. Then at the last they sold or borrowed against the property and against their wages to keep going. The result was they worked for the government and lived in apartments in the cities and survived the famine.
Drawing from this I think it is wise to have the 20% divided up into three categories:
1. Cash or cash equivalents (In a 7 or 30 year system this would be items that would be used in1 year or less.)
a. Cash/gold/silver
b. Short term savings
c. Food for 1 year
d. Garden seeds
e. Medications
f. Clothing
2. Long Term Assets/Investments
7 year system - In a 7 year system this would be items that have value of 1-3 years.
30 year system - In a 30 year system this would be items that hold value 1-5 years.
a. Gold/Silver/Jewelry held for a hedge against inflation
b. Long Term Investments such as stocks, bonds
c. Your paid for furniture
d. Your paid for collections
e. Your paid for vehicles
f. Wheat/Grains
3. Property. Equipment Income Producing Skills (Education)
7 Year system - In a 7 years system this would be items that have a value of 7 years.
30 year system - In a 30 year system this would be items that have value up to 30 years.
a. Your home
b. Your business/employment
c. Your livelihood
d. Your education/training to increase and maintain your livelihood.
I find an exercise like this helps me in strategies for the future. I maintain a list of my items and how much they are worth. I then divide them into the three (3) categories to try and keep a balance between the categories. This 1/3 in Cash and cash equivalents, 1/3 portable wealth and long term investments, 1/3 land, equipment and livelihood/education categories help me make sure my life values are balanced.
Have fun trying this exercise on your life. Judy
Monday, July 20, 2009
Return on Sustainability - "Show me the Cash"
"Show me the CASH" is a saying the fits with the subject of Sustainability. Businesses are asking the question - Is there a Return on Sustainability?" Homes need to ask the same question. Earlier in this blog I addressed the question of "Who can find Sustainability?" Now I want to expand on the question.
My Mother's birthday in June always bring a crowd to my house. Everyone wants to celebrate "Mom, Grandma, Grams" birthday. At large events I try to minimize the work. Paper plates goes a long ways on helping with clean up. My daugher-in-law was first to press the issue of recycling. She wanted to use her plate for the dessert as well. Next my oldest son comes out on the patio to find me carrying his paper plate. Do you compose the paper plates Mom?
As you can tell the issues of Recyling and Sutainability are common topics at our home. The balancing act is a challenge. The dish washer gets filled at all events. Therefore it would take 2 loads to run all of the dirty dishes. My garden is small by most gardener's standards. To compost would take 2 to 3 composters. Now why would I say that? Because when you start to look into composting you learn that at least 2 are really needed to continually handle the items that need compost -One for the brewing and one for the new items and Three even would be even better.
Business as I said face the same issues. How much will it cost to really enlarge the recycling and Sustainability items? - The old "Cash Savings Issue". I faced it that day on a small scale. Run an extra partial load of dishes (costs of electricity and water) or throw the paper plates in the garbage (gardbe bill costs and evnvironment costs). I do not have a third option of using someone else's composter (costs savings questionable).
Everyone faces these issues and answers them differently. I used paper plates.
Now which way saves the most? That is the same questio
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Is it Worth it? Big and Small Projects Raise the Question
- First, just emptying the closet was huge. I could not believe the amount of "stuff" I had stored in it. Of course it is spread all over my upstairs bedrooms needing sorted.
- Second, I thought I had the color paint I wanted. Then when the sample was put on the wall, I realized it was not right.
- Third, I am getting ready for my Mother's 83rd birthday party with relatives coming from out of town. I thought I had plenty of time to do the closet and the cleaning for the party....was I wrong!
- Fourth, I have my grandson (2 1/2 year old) over Saturday night.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
In Search of the Sustainable Life
for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a Sustainable Life? That is the question. A Sustainable Life has busy times and it has quiet times. It really is the meaning of life. It contains time for all things. My research has shown that there are seven dimensions, sections or areas of our lives that make up the Sustainable Life. The verses add meaning to those seven areas.
I look at those seven areas like a piano chord. If you play them all at once, they only make a loud noise. When you play only two or three together at one time and then another two or three at a time music starts to develop.
It is easy in this world of 24/7 to play all the notes of the chord at once and only get noise. To play music their has to be silence in some areas of our lives, sometimes silence in all areas of our lives. I believe this is the "key" to bring music to our lives out of discord.
Here's to the Search of the Sustainable Life!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
"Follow the Money" for Survivability and Sustainability
Today I discovered an article written in 2008 about the economic power shifts in business for 2009. My 2nd Master is in Finance, so this article jumped at me. If I was going to boil it down to something a small business or home could use, I would say "Money Talks", therefore "Follow the Money". Decisions need to be made based on survivability of the small business or home.
My suggestion to surviving is "Follow the Money":
- Look seriously at the new US Government Budget.
- See where the money will be spent.
- Consider how you can tap that money.
- Adjust your business and home revenue stream around those large Rvers of Money.
Oh here is the article from the "Economist" if you are business inclined -
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Aloha! Judy
Friday, April 24, 2009
Being Prepared for the Unexpected - Be like the Stores Stock the Shelves!
"Not being afraid..." brings up many issues in my mind. Today I will address the ability to Sustain my family during the unexpected. Mexico right now is trying to contain a very deadly flu. Now I live in the Pacific Northwest. But the Mexico to my region connection is active. It could be in my backyard quicker than I would want to think about. In a situation like this I would not want to be out in the public very much. It is critical that I maintain a supply of what my family needs and uses at home. A harvest to harvest [1 year] approach is good.
Spring is a perfect time to reassess the family pantry and bring it back up to "filled". It is easy to let the pantry slide during the winter months. We have eaten quite a bit out of ours. It is time to reshake the shelves and see what needs purchased. Fortunately the garden [I hope you are planting one!] will give wonderful fresh food this summer. Yet the need to have the necessary items is all the more critical now. Be like the stores and Stock to those shelves!
Happy Pantry Stocking!
P.S. A helpful article "Stay at Home Toolkit for Influenza"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The New Frugality: The Organic Gardener - Is Hot!
WOW is this hot! When business sees an increase of 500% that says something. Here is an interesting web video by Time Magazine that I thought you might enjoy.
The New Frugality: The Organic Gardener With sales up 500%, John Dromgoole's "The Natural Gardener" organic nursery is having a very good year -
Enjoy! Judy
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hard Asset Economics and the Sustainability of My Family
My problem is I was too close to my Mother and Grandmother both of which went through the “Great Depression”. Through the years I have watched as the economic cycles have gone up and down. I remember in the 1970s when it seemed like one day everything was fine and the next day gasoline and toilet paper were scarce. Hard Asset Economics includes such items as: food, clothing, household necessities and cash has always been important.
My husband and I were in Eastern Washington State at the time of this 1970s economic “dip”. We were living in agriculture country. I was standing in the grocery line and a woman in line was talking about the costs of food. She thought it was not worth the costs to put up a store of food at home. At that moment my “keep a financial costs journal” button kicked in. I recorded all the costs including a freezer. I saved at that time over ½ in food costs. Now I worked hard and was living in an agricultural region.
What are “Hard Asset Economics items? They include for a family items such as: food, clothing, household necessities and cash. “Sustainability of My Family” is number one to me. I have a theory. If I take care of “me and mine” and “others did the same for their families”, there would be few families that would need help. I always set aside though extra for those individuals that are in real need.
In April 2007 when food for a short time was an issue, my “Hard Asset Economics” and the “Sustainability of My Family” buttons kicked in. I no longer live in an agricultural region. Therefore, I used the tools I had – the Internet. I purchased in bulk a wide variety of necessities. The saving has been amazing as prices have risen.
Sometimes this approach is not the “cheapest” approach. Even though by shopping when there are sales and planning ahead, it usually means a family will save considerably. It does though mean my family will have the items when I need them – not when the stores have them.
Next time you are in the store purchasing your necessities, take a peek at the number of the items on the shelf. You will discover that in this “Just-in-Time” supply chain business model there might be 6 of each of the items. If there was a breakdown to the supply chain such as a natural disaster, those “6” would be gone in a minute! By planning ahead using “Hard Asset Economics” and the “Sustainability of My Family” you will not be in the rush to get the basics of life.
Friday, April 17, 2009
An Orchard in Pots and Containers
with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. Proverbs 31:16
I enjoy the song in a variety of ways - Spiritually, Metaphorically and today literally. If you ever wanted an "Orchard" but did not have the space consider growing the trees and grape vines in pots and containers. My husband and I did that this year. It also fits into my security level of prepareness. Want to look at the process?
Check out my blog on Sustainability -
Enjoy! Judy
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Marketing is a Song!
Today as women we need to remember that marketing is for business, home and ourselves. It is the way we reach out into the world, knowing our merchandise is good. I want to analyse the 21st Century marketing approaches.
It turned the marketing world into a whole new ball game. I was teaching a hybrid International Marketing class for a university in partnership with a university in Mexico. The students were all 20-22 years old. One of the group activities was analyzing a great marketing campaign on the Internet. I began the activity with one question. “What was the greatest marketing campaign of 2008”. They all respond quickly –“ Obama for President”. It took me back that they all had realized that without a hesitation. Mentioning this to a colleague they said, “Yes, they were all in their 20s”. Yes, I said. Yet, I was taken back by the global impact of the marketing campaign. The younger generation are my "New Customer". They are who I can teach my values. I realized then I wanted to capture that approach to marketing.
As a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt, sister, there are several successful free sources you can do that mirrors that campaign.
1. Look the Obama Home page over.
2. Check out the links of Obama Everywhere.
3. Establish yourself on some of those “hot” sites.
4. Start Blogging.
5. Start a Twittering.
6. Join FaceBook.
7. Follow the lead of the successful such as:
a. Ellen DeGeneres
b. Martha Stewart
8. Be prepared to spend time learning the process. This is not done in one day….I wish!
I am just learning and every day I am bringing my personal marketing campaign to connect to the younger generation into the 21st century!
This is where you can find me:
My Blogs are:
On A Woman's Song of Power -
On Sustainability - Business - Author's Thoughts - for Candles, Fragrance, Spa Products -
My Twitter -
Facebook - Judy Justice
Marketing to the younger generation in the 21st Century!
Enjoy Judy!
Monday, April 13, 2009
A Celebration Tip - Have the Dishwasher Empty!
Oh my! I have a sink and counter full of dirty dishes. I usually have my dishwasher empty and ready for the dishes after a holiday or party dinner. That way when I am done with the party or holiday dinner I just push the button and the kitchen is basically done. It did not work that way this time. My dishwasher was full of dirty dishes when I started. Next time I will make an effort to plan that one better! Instead of waking up to a clean kitchen I woke up to the work. This should help me remember for next time! Being prepared involves even little things like this to make life a little easier.
P.S. Because I am a "Woman of Sustainability", I recycled everything I could from the dinner!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I am a firm believer in rewards. We all need the boost and encouragement. A reward system is often in place in businesses. The question is - Why not have a reward system in the home?
I thought it would be good to continue the verse combination approach. So here goes ---
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Obviously worth a lot and needs rewarded.
How and When? The Answer -
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Could this be scheduled times for appreciation? The first thought is Mother's Day. Yes, but I feel this goes beyond. I feel this can included everyone praising everyone in the family. How about all of the holidays. We could start letting everyone we love know how much we appreciate what has been since the last holiday. Then there are those times like graduations, anniversaries, birthdays that offer the perfect moment to schedule a "praise or reward" time.
In the farming era at the end of each harvest there was celebration. The harvest was stored, sold (cash received, bills paid, saving instituted for the next years crop) and now it was time to celebrate. Seasonal holidays still are important. It would be good to put money into the equation and celebrate the new job, the raise, the promotion or degree earned, the good investment.
When the home has a good dose of celebration, praise and reward, the people in that family will be encouraged to handle the harder times in life. This last week there has been a full moon, Passover and Easter. A few great opportunities to enjoy the family time for praise and rewards.
When is the next reward, recognition or praise time for your family?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Combining Verses for Answers
for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31: 10
One method I enjoy when applying the song to my life is to combine verses. Lets say I was concerned about the economy. These verses would help me:
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet [double].
By doing this I have asked the question -
How can I be the prepared [virtuous/valor/wise/warrior] women?
The answer is not being afraid and move into action to see the family is prepared with double or multiple of everything for the snow [economic downturn].
Now I have an answer on how to handle this economic downturn!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
What I Love
Are you asking a question today, are you exclaiming today or both?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Who Can Find....?
Let's look at the results:
Who can find a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)?
How can [I] find a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)?
What is a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)?
When can [I] be a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)?
Where is a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)?
Where can [I]I be a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)?
Who can find a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)!
How can [I] find a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)!
What is a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)!
When can [I] be a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)!
Where is a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)!
Where can [I]I be a (virtuous woman, woman of valor or warrior woman)!