א Aleph Who can find a virtuous woman?
for her price is far above rubies.
Proverbs 31:10
"Show me the CASH" is a saying the fits with the subject of Sustainability. Businesses are asking the question - Is there a Return on Sustainability?" Homes need to ask the same question. Earlier in this blog I addressed the question of "Who can find Sustainability?" Now I want to expand on the question.
My Mother's birthday in June always bring a crowd to my house. Everyone wants to celebrate "Mom, Grandma, Grams" birthday. At large events I try to minimize the work. Paper plates goes a long ways on helping with clean up. My daugher-in-law was first to press the issue of recycling. She wanted to use her plate for the dessert as well. Next my oldest son comes out on the patio to find me carrying his paper plate. Do you compose the paper plates Mom?
As you can tell the issues of Recyling and Sutainability are common topics at our home. The balancing act is a challenge. The dish washer gets filled at all events. Therefore it would take 2 loads to run all of the dirty dishes. My garden is small by most gardener's standards. To compost would take 2 to 3 composters. Now why would I say that? Because when you start to look into composting you learn that at least 2 are really needed to continually handle the items that need compost -One for the brewing and one for the new items and Three even would be even better.
Business as I said face the same issues. How much will it cost to really enlarge the recycling and Sustainability items? - The old "Cash Savings Issue". I faced it that day on a small scale. Run an extra partial load of dishes (costs of electricity and water) or throw the paper plates in the garbage (gardbe bill costs and evnvironment costs). I do not have a third option of using someone else's composter (costs savings questionable).
Everyone faces these issues and answers them differently. I used paper plates.
Now which way saves the most? That is the same questio
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