Sunday, April 12, 2009


א Aleph Who can find a virtuous woman?
for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31: 10

I am a firm believer in rewards. We all need the boost and encouragement. A reward system is often in place in businesses. The question is - Why not have a reward system in the home?

I thought it would be good to continue the verse combination approach. So here goes ---

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Obviously worth a lot and needs rewarded.

How and When? The Answer -

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Could this be scheduled times for appreciation? The first thought is Mother's Day. Yes, but I feel this goes beyond. I feel this can included everyone praising everyone in the family. How about all of the holidays. We could start letting everyone we love know how much we appreciate what has been since the last holiday. Then there are those times like graduations, anniversaries, birthdays that offer the perfect moment to schedule a "praise or reward" time.

In the farming era at the end of each harvest there was celebration. The harvest was stored, sold (cash received, bills paid, saving instituted for the next years crop) and now it was time to celebrate. Seasonal holidays still are important. It would be good to put money into the equation and celebrate the new job, the raise, the promotion or degree earned, the good investment.

When the home has a good dose of celebration, praise and reward, the people in that family will be encouraged to handle the harder times in life. This last week there has been a full moon, Passover and Easter. A few great opportunities to enjoy the family time for praise and rewards.

When is the next reward, recognition or praise time for your family?


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